Sunday, February 1, 2009

Words and Phrases

We are constantly assaulted by words and phrases we hate, and ones that are misused or abused by people for whatever reason. I don't know about you, but I would like to eliminate some of these from the English language, erase them from human memory, and make it a criminal offense to use them in print or in conversation.

I list my choices here for any comments you might have, and invite you to submit yours. Just putting mine on the list will make me feel better, I know it will........... OK, so, moving on..........

1. Moving on ....... (yes please, and don't bother coming back)
2. Going forward (where else? You can't go back)
3. D (It's defense! Don't be so bloody lazy!)
4. Funding (don't be afraid - say money)
5. Stakeholders (way too many of these around these days)

Well, now I feel better. I think this actually brought me some closure. Oooops, there's another one that we simply do not need.


Anonymous said...

To be honest
To tell you the truth
Spurs Lose
any kind of text speak ...

could be a long list this !

Anonymous said...

'Suck it and see'
My manager uses it all the time and it drives me MAD.
It gives me a mental picture of an ostrich when that phrase is used (burying their head in the sand to avoid the issue) :(

Cortes said...

Excellent Moon! Never trust something that begins with "trust me ...." There are so many that could make the list.

Taffy's Mum - never heard that one. It definitely belongs on the list!