Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Plains of Abraham

Well, as I have stated many times in the past, I do not give a rats ass about being politically correct. I do consider the feelings and sensitivities of others, and carefully weigh these against my propensity for stating what I think. So far I win.

Now here we go again. In 1759 the British fought the French on the Plains of Abraham, above Quebec City, and the English won. Took them 15 minutes. Longer than most battles the French have been in. And the prize? British North America.

So why am I upset? Because the National Battlefields Trust of Canada wants to re-enact the battle for this summer, the 250th anniversary of the birth of Canada. But the separatists in Quebec do not want this. It is affront. It is an embarrassment. It is a provocation. They should have thought of this 250 years ago when they set the precedent for French arms sales worldwide: "Never fired, only thrown down once!"

To hell with political correctness. They lost. Re-enact the battle.


Don't Bug Me! said...

This is exactly why we get on so well - great minds think alike and all that!

Cortes said...

That, plus the fact that we are both so good looking! :-)

Anonymous said...

No one likes the Cheese eating surrender monkeys ...

your history is what you are, can't change it, embrace it and remember your countries roots !

pisses me right off....just because you lost !

Anonymous said...

There's always somebody working to rake up the past - usually grown men who want to dress up and play war games! They are everywhere - I avoid them!