My business sometimes takes me into the Fraser Valley, about 25 miles inland from Vancouver, where I have some of my furniture manufactured for clients. I have taken to bringing my camera with me wherever I go now, so when I drove out yesterday I was encouraged by a thick bank of fog and the rising sun. (I was driving east at around 7:30 am).
Near my suppliers facility, there is a river and a train bridge. I thought I might camp out there for a few minutes in the hope that I could catch a train passing over, and get a couple of shots. No such luck - no train. But the bridge could not escape.
When I was taking photos I heard some muffled banging and had to scamper out of the "no go" zone I was in. I had visions of being tossed about by burly Railroad Police, of being trussed up and transported to some secure area while they checked my camera and my heritage (just to be sure I was not some disturbed terrorist). No such luck!
All I found was a sport fisherman getting ready to enjoy a morning on the water. I wish I could have accompanied him for short while.